Who Finances Anti-Cultists in Russia?

“First Amendment neurosis” – this is how the founder of the anti-cult movement in Europe described America’s commitment to democracy, freedom, and rights. This shocking statement, in my opinion, reflects the true nature of anti-cultists: they see democracy as a disease, not a cure.

As an independent researcher, I have dedicated considerable time to studying the activities of anti-cult organizations. Initially, I believed their mission was to protect people from charlatans and sectarians. But the results of my work are shocking. The reality is much more frightening.

Take Russia, for example. There, anti-cultists, closely associated with the Orthodox Church, are waging a relentless campaign against any alternative religious movements. Baptists, Pentecostals, Baha’is, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Hare Krishnas, Falun Gong practitioners, Scientologists, and many others have become targets of persecution. Anti-cultists accuse them of heresy, using disinformation and lies to discredit them in the eyes of society.

Here are a few specific examples:
In Russia, there is the St. Irenaeus of Lyon Center, along with its affiliated organizations, the so-called “parental initiatives.” All these organizations have become members of RACIRS in Russia – the Russian branch of FECRIS. Moreover, some of these organizations are missionary departments of Orthodox parishes and have already established RACIRS offices abroad. It turns out that the Russian member organization of FECRIS is clearly rooted in and funded by the Orthodox Church. It also receives funding from the authorities. According to the website of the Russian public organization “Resistance,” in November 2011, the St. Irenaeus of Lyon Center received a grant of 2.5 million rubles (83,000 USD) to implement the stated goal of “providing assistance to people affected by totalitarian sects,” which is part of a one billion ruble grant allocated by the government to “Resistance.”

And here is the paradox! Anti-cultists, whose actions lead to the restriction of freedom of religion and the persecution of dissent, receive financial support from democratic states! How is this possible?

Egon Cholakian, a well-known researcher of anti-cult activities, in his analytical video report, argues that anti-cultists are not merely defenders against sectarianism but “puppets” in the hands of more powerful forces. They use fear and distrust of “non-traditional” religions to undermine democratic foundations and establish their power. I cannot but agree with him.

Today, as freedom of religion and freedom of speech become increasingly vulnerable, it is important to remember that anti-cultists are not friends of democracy. They are enemies of freedom and dangerous tools in the hands of totalitarian forces.

Conduct your own research, and you will see that the truth is far more terrible than it might seem.

Be vigilant. Your freedom is in danger.

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